Monday, March 25, 2013


It remains my favorite, mostly because its simple and so am I. But i found if fun and this is what i made, I call her Buttonlady Blue-Eyes:
im actually kind of proud.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Photo Editing

Seemed pretty basic. Standad effects and such, maybe there could have been more...

I like this one. But it seems like all the coolest effects are for the premium upgrade. its probably the one  would choose above all, just for the pretty effects i don't have access to...sigh. This is the funnest one, but not so comprehensive, probably the best for making awesome profile pics though.


Sumopaint: I don't have pictures for this one. Primarily because its frustrating as HECK! its probably a really good drawing app but this is a desktop computer and mouses also frustrate me (to draw with, i prefer them to the laptop finger-pad thing...but neither for drawing...). It was  really confusing, but i don't know much about this kind of thing, and i don't know what i'm doing really (required course, plus this is ninth grade), so its not the best for photo editing in my opinion, maybe if you can get it to work it seems like it has a lot of features. This is the hardest, by far if you've no experience with such things.

Pixlr: My favorite so far, it seems a lot like sumopaint, but i found it easier and actually managed to do something: Edited.                                                                                    Unedited:

It has good features. But it would be better than pretty much every other one i've tried so far for a more serious sort of project, and not a picture for facebook kind of thing. unless its a serious-ish thing you want to put on facebook...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Google Drive

There were some aplications for Google Drive i saw that looked like they could be helpful.
1. Floorplanner
It's pretty self explanatory, what it does. But its a neat concept nevertheless if you even need to see the layout of a room or design a room or something.  

2. Hellosign
another interesting concept, and green too! you can sign documents, checks and stuff, request signatures, and save templates of documents to reuse.

3. Zoho writer
Its like Microsoft for Google drive. Based on costumer comments it sounds like it has a few issues that need ironed out however, like spell-check not being an automatic feature.