Tuesday, February 19, 2013

10 Google Easter Eggs

1. Do a Barrel Roll
you start to type this in and it does a barrel roll. Simple yet awesome.

2. Askew
if you ever need to search this word you'll find a very good example in the screen suddenly.

3.What is the loneliest number?
1 of course!

4. Zerg rush
Just type this in to be attacked by a bunch of little O's. kill them before they eat your search results!

5.I'm feeling...
Artistic, Hungry, Trendy...
just hover over the "i'm feeling lucky" button and see...

6. Festivus
Happy Festivus! those familiar with the show "Sienfeld" will probably get this one.

7. how many horns are on a unicorn?

Oh. well there ya go.

8. The answer to everything:

9. Faces of Pegman
On google maps, the little yellow Pegman can change based on where you put him! here he is in legoland!

10. Calculator heart
just type in:

sqrt(cos(x))*cos(300x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5

 if you want to see this yourself.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Firefox Persona

I love this idea.

I'm a huge fan of customization already, be it with my clothing or I-pad or anything, anyway i can make something more mine I'm all for. Plus i love the variety available in getting to select from a bank of skins "personas" that other people have made. I'm artistically talented (or at least i'd like to think so) but if your good at something then theirs always a thousand more people out there that make yours look like crap. and that's definately the case here as well, some of the options are just beautiful! far prettier than anything i could ever create.


Another thing that we had to get and add to our blogger pages was feedjit.

It shows who visits your page, but it doesn't give specifics. It'll just say "a visitor from ___ looked at your page ___ ___ ago". Its alright. I'm not sure of the point of it really, but I'm honestly not very interested in that sort of thing. The number of people viewing my page is tracked in stats and that's what i care about, I don't really need a catalog of visitors. I'm not that obsessive.